Antymatters Drinker - V2 - 10ml/25ml/100ml Fourmi Fountain
The Antymatter drinker. If you're having problems with conventional drinkers or your colonys are large, these are the drinkers for you.
Available in 10ml,25ml and 100ml(Holiday drinker)
Suitable for all ants 1mm+. There's now 2 options of the 25ml size.
One with a tiny hole to enhance rapid filling and one with the hole for tiny ants. Anything sub 4mm I'd recommend the "no hole" or a 10ml fountain. Comes with cup, funnel, and optional safety core insert.
How do they work-
Each drinker consists of 3 peices.
-The cup which holds the water
-The top funnel, this pops onto the cup securly fastening it in place
-Finally the Safety core, this small peice can sit inside the funnel and restrict the funnel size. this stops drowning and allows safe use for even the smallest ants.
Alternatively to the safety core, cotton wool inside the funnel works great for smalll spikey polyrachis whos spikes get in the way.
Version 2 updates
- New clearer cups for general looks
- Softer opening and closing
mechanism for ease
- Rapid filling in all V2 Models
- More efficient manufacturing, New Lower Price
Thanks for all the support with version 1. I did intend to keep version 1 available for a while. However, I'm all out of their cups.